Expressorcist or Express-orcist?

This is the first issue I'm running into with taking my game jam entry and twisting it into the gnarled form of a full featured game. This is a minor issue and something that I'm going to push to the back of my mind, but it's on my Trello board. It will always haunt me.

First things first though...How the fuck does anyone actually take a game jam game and make it all fully a real game thingy?   When I put together Xpressorcist( a third possible title) for the jam, I knew that I wanted to make a comedy game that dealt with exorcising possessed people. Something like "Papers, Please" but about the humdrum world of Exorcisms. 

 I came at it from a place of developing a game mechanic that would allow you to exorcise people via throwing things at them. I added a few wrinkles over the course of jam to make the game actually fun like the possibility of blowing up the possessed person, a timer and quotas to work against, multiple possessions on a single person, and inverting cures and cursed items. 

From the feedback, I got from the jam, what I forgot to do was introduce the mechanics to the player slowly enough so that they actually made sense before I added another element to the situation.  So the first thing to expand the game concept is that I'm going to take time with the player and introduce each game mechanic over time so the player gets a feel for things, and THEN I fuck with them. Similarly to Papers, Please (hence forth referred to as PP, for brevity) I think the best way to do this is to separate the game into a series of days where each day could potentially offer a new twist or element that the player has to consider when performing exorcisms.

My main concern in modelling my game around PP is that the progression also tied into the story it was telling and the insanity of bureaucratic rules. Especially as it relates to processes in government. The vision and the mechanic of the game aligned really well. I'm in the process of finding a vision for the game that matches the mechanics that I have in play.

Anyways, I'm tired and this is all a word vomit that will hopefully result in progress. My creative process is mostly just hurling everything out and then refining from there. 

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